We are made of Energy, not Matter
The new science also accepts that the universe, including us, is made up of energy, not matter. This is not actually new – it was posited by Socrates in Europe way back when, and by the ancient rishis in India thousands of years before that.
Socrates said that energy, or soul, is separate from matter, and that the universe is made of energy – pure energy which was there before man and other material things like the earth came along.
Like the physical visible body that we all have, we also carry an energy body which is invisibly present around our physical body. In truth, our physical body is the extension of our non physical counterpart.
However at the end of the seventeenth century Newtonian physics became the corner-stone of science, and it was based on the theory that there is only matter and nothing else – the whole universe is a machine, made of matter, and so are we. Medical science is still stuck in the Newtonian concept, even though the rest of science has now moved on to quantum physics.
Quantum physics says that as you go deeper and deeper into the workings of the atom, you see that there is nothing there – just energy waves. It says an atom is actually an invisible force field, a kind of miniature tornado, which emits waves of electrical energy.
Those energy waves can be measured and their effects seen, but they are not a material reality, they have no substance because they are… well, just electricity. So science now embraces the idea that the universe IS made of energy.
Those energy waves can be measured and their effects seen, but they are not a material reality, they have no substance because they are… well, just electricity. So science now embraces the idea that the universe IS made of energy.
We are of course made up of atoms. And atoms are continuously giving off, and absorbing, light and energy, all the time. It doesn’t stop even when we sleep. Every cell in the body has its atoms lined up in such a way that it has a negative and a positive voltage, inside and outside. So every cell in our body is a miniature battery. Each cell has 1.4 volts of energy – not much, but when you multiply by the number of cells in your body (50 trillion) you get a total voltage of 700 trillion volts of electricity in your body. Pretty strong stuff! This is what the Chinese call ‘chi’, and is also the energy used in hands on healing. It can even be measured outside the body for a certain radius, depending on the sophistication of the instrument. And guess which has the stronger electro-magnetic energy field – your head or your heart? For the answer, see the end of this article.
The vibrational status of this invisible energy system of ours decides our point of attraction with reference to what we desire at any given point of time, this vibrational frequency varies mostly in two ways- One is based on the feelings of abundance and the other is based on the feelings of lack.
Now here is another interesting fact which relates to our lives… Each atom has its own distinct frequency, or vibration. And quantum physicists study the energetic effect when atoms collide, not their ‘matter’. What they see is that when two atomic waves meet, they either meet in synch, creating a constructive or harmonious effect, or they meet out of synch, creating a destructive effect in which they annul each other.
Dr Bruce Lipton, a former professor of medicine at Harvard University and author of the best-selling ‘Your mind is greater than your genes’, explains that if you drop two equal pebbles at exactly the same time into water, from the same height, they will both produce the same wave ripples. Their waves will be in harmony with each other, and when their ripples meet the combined effect will be an amplification of the wavelength – in other words the merged waves become more powerful. But if you drop the pebbles from different heights or a millisecond apart, then when the resultant waves meet they will not be in harmony and will cancel each other out – the waves become weaker. You can try this out for yourself.
Exactly the same thing happens when atomic energy waves meet – they either have a constructive effect (become more powerful) or a destructive effect. Now, we are all created of atomic energy waves, and because it is impossible to separate waves, the new science says what Osho was saying over forty years ago: we are all connected - our waves are always meeting and getting entangled in each other. Dr Lipton says the result of such invisible meetings we call ‘good vibes’ and ‘bad vibes’, depending on whether the other waves we meet are in synch with us or out of synch. No wonder so many people were ‘magnetically attracted’ to Osho and felt peaceful and harmonious in his presence.
This means it is important to be aware of whether you are in an environment where you are getting entangled in destructive energy waves or constructive energy waves. The cells that make up our bodies know instinctively what is nourishing and what is toxic (Lipton demonstrates this with cells in petri dishes which move away from toxic stuff and towards nourishing stuff). And in fact all animals and plants communicate through vibrations (ie. by sensing whether the energy is good for them or not). But we have been taught not to listen to our feelings but instead to what people say. So we are not trained to use our ability to sense energy, even though we have it just as all plants and animals have.
Many of the meditations Osho describes in The Book of Secrets work with the senses, and are a great way to get back in touch with your natural instincts so you can have more awareness of when you are in a nourishing or a draining situation.
part of a series of articles on Science and Meditation by Anando published in the italian Osho Times
Even science has come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as matter. How amusing it is that fifty years ago Nietzsche declared that God is dead, and fifty years from now science will have to declare that God may or may not be dead but matter is certainly dead. As science goes deeper and deeper into matter it finds that matter is no more and only energy remains, only energy is.
part of a series of articles on Science and Meditation by Anando published in the italian Osho Times
A related Osho exerpt
The first thing is that in this world, matter and consciousness are not two separate things. What we call matter is consciousness asleep, and what we know as consciousness is matter awakened. In reality matter and consciousness are not different; they are different manifestations of the same thing. Existence is one, and that one is godliness or brahman or whatsoever you want to call it. When that one is asleep it appears as matter, and when awake it is consciousness. So don’t treat matter and consciousness as separate entities; they are only utilitarian terms. They are not really different.Even science has come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as matter. How amusing it is that fifty years ago Nietzsche declared that God is dead, and fifty years from now science will have to declare that God may or may not be dead but matter is certainly dead. As science goes deeper and deeper into matter it finds that matter is no more and only energy remains, only energy is.
What remains after the explosion or splitting of the atom is only particles of energy. And what we know as electrons, protons and neutrons are particles of electricity! In fact, it is not correct to call them particles, because particles imply matter. The scientists had to find a new word, which is quanta, which has a different connotation altogether. Quanta is both a particle and a wave. It is difficult to comprehend how something could be both a particle and a wave simultaneously, but quanta is both. Sometimes it behaves as a particle – which is matter; and sometimes it behaves as a wave – which is energy. Wave and energy are behaviors of the same quanta.
When science dug deep it found that only energy is, and when spirituality delved deep it found that only spirit, or atman, or soul is. And soul is energy. The time is just around the corner when a synthesis of science and religion will be achieved, and the distance that separates them will simply disappear. When the gap between matter and truth has proved to be false, the gap between science and religion cannot exist for long. If matter and consciousness are not two, how can religion and science be two? The separation of science and religion was dependent on the separation of matter and consciousness.
To me, only one is; two simply don’t exist. There is no place for duality; so the question of matter and consciousness does not arise. If you like the language of matter, you can say that everything is matter. And if you like the language of consciousness, you can say that everything is consciousness. I for one prefer the language of consciousness. Why do I prefer it? Because, in my view, one should always prefer the language of the higher, which has greater potential; one should not prefer the language of the lower, where potential is less and less.
To me, only one is; two simply don’t exist. There is no place for duality; so the question of matter and consciousness does not arise. If you like the language of matter, you can say that everything is matter. And if you like the language of consciousness, you can say that everything is consciousness. I for one prefer the language of consciousness. Why do I prefer it? Because, in my view, one should always prefer the language of the higher, which has greater potential; one should not prefer the language of the lower, where potential is less and less.
Consciousness asleep is matter, and consciousness awakened is consciousness. All is consciousness.
The question I will attempt to answer in this ######### is:
So, What is God really?
*First misconception: God is a person, particularly a man of sorts.
This is incorrect. God is an entity, not a man. An entity is something that exists by itself, although it need not be of material existence. Sometimes, the word entity is used in a general sense of a being. Whether or not the referent HAS material existence, e.g. is often referred to as an entity with no corporeal form (or a non-physical entity), it is also often used to refer to ghosts and other spirits.
The "one" true god, the one that is "all-knowing and everywhere" is, in fact, basically electrical energy.
Sound and light are both created by waves of electrical impulses
And God SAID, "Let there be light," and there was LIGHT. ~ (Genesis 1:3)
Potential Energy is any type of stored energy. It can be chemical, nuclear, gravitational, or mechanical.
Chemical energy is stored in the bonds between the atoms in compounds. This stored energy is transformed when bonds are broken or formed: chemical reactions. Like letters of the alphabet that can be rearranged to form new words with very different meanings, atoms get moved around during chemical reactions, and they form new compounds with vastly different personalities.
When we burn sugar (a compound made of the elements hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon) in our bodies, the elements are reorganized into water and carbon dioxide. These reactions both absorb and release energy, but the overall result is that we get energy from the sugar, and our bodies use that energy.
Chemical reactions that produce net energy are exothermic. When wood is burned, the chemical reactions taking place are exothermic. Electromagnetic and thermal energy are released. Only some chemical reactions release energy. Endothermic reactions need energy to start, such as by adding heat or light.
Today’s nuclear power plants are fueled by fission. Uranium or plutonium atoms are broken apart, freeing lots of energy. Hydrogen atoms in the sun experience nuclear fusion, combining to form helium and subsequently releasing large amounts of kinetic energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation and heat.
Nuclear energy is the stored potential of the nucleus of an atom. Most atoms are stable on Earth; they keep their identities as particular elements, like hydrogen, helium, iron, and carbon, as identified in the Periodic Table of Elements. The number of protons in the nucleus tells you which element it is. Nuclear reactions change the fundamental identity of elements by splitting up an atom’s nucleus or fusing together more than one nucleus. These changes are called fission and fusion, respectively.
Systems can increase gravitational energy as mass moves away from the center of Earth or other objects that are large enough to generate significant gravity (our sun, the planets and stars).
For example, the farther you lift an anvil away from the ground, the more potential energy it gains. The energy used to lift the anvil is called work, and the more work performed, the more potential energy the anvil gains. If the anvil is dropped, that potential energy transforms to kinetic energy as the anvil moves faster and faster toward Earth.
In physics, gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime that propagate as a wave, travelling outward from the source. Predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein to exist on the basis of his theory of general relativity, gravitational waves theoretically transport energy as gravitational radiation. Sources of detectable gravitational waves could possibly include binary star systems composed of white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. The existence of gravitational waves is a possible consequence of the Lorentz invariance of general relativity since it brings the concept of a limiting speed of propagation of the physical interactions with it. Gravitational waves cannot exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, in which physical interactions propagate at infinite speed.
Although gravitational radiation has not been directly detected, there is indirect evidence for its existence.
Elastic energy can be stored mechanically in a compressed gas or liquid, a coiled spring, or a stretched elastic band. On an atomic scale, the stored energy is a temporary strain placed on the bonds between atoms, meaning there’s no permanent change to the material. These bonds absorb energy as they are stressed, and release that energy as they relax.
Kinetic Energy is found in movement. An airplane flying or a meteor plummeting both have kinetic energy. Even the tiniest things have kinetic energy, like atoms vibrating when they are hot or when they transmit sound waves. Light from a burning match is kinetic energy — electromagnetic energy packed in the photons that radiate from a source of light, like a match. Electricity is the kinetic energy of flowing electrons between atoms.
A moving object has kinetic energy. A basketball passed between players shows translational energy. That kinetic energy is proportional to the ball’s mass and the square of its velocity. To throw the same ball twice as fast, a player uses four times the energy.
If a player shoots a basketball with backspin or topspin, the basketball will also have rotational energy as it spins. Rotational energy is proportional to how many times it spins per second, as well as the ball’s mass, and the size and shape of the ball.
In shooting a basketball, players often try to add rotational energy as backspin, because it results in the greatest slowdown in speed when the basketball hits the rim or the backboard, increasing the chance that the ball stays near the basket. The opposite direction of spin, a topspin, can be used in games like tennis, because it will help speed up a ball after impact and lowers the angle it travels after the bounce.
If you go camping, you usually build a fire to sit around at night. You may make Sʼmores, have hot chocolate and stay warm. Have you ever wondered why a marshmallow
cooks without touching the flame, why the smoke rises, or why water in a pan boils? Heat can move from one object to another in three different ways:
1) conduction,
2) convection and
3) radiation.
1) Conduction is the heat transfer through a substance or from a substance to another by direct contact. Everything is made up of small particles. When the particles are moving faster, there is more energy and the temperature is higher. As fast-moving particles touch slow-moving particles, the energy is transferred. This causes slower particles to speed up and the faster particles to slow down. You can demonstrate this by rubbing your hands together very fast for 30 seconds. Now touch them to your ears. Can you feel the heat transfer from your hands to your ears? As your ears warm, your hands will cool until the particles in each are moving at the same speed.
Another example of conduction is a pan on the stove. The stove is heated by gas or electricity. Then the pan gets hot. Substances that transfer heat better than others are conductors. Can you think of other examples of conductors? Insulators are substances that do not conduct heat easily. Glass, wood, plastic and rubber are all insulators.
Pans have plastic or wood handles to keep the pan from conducting heat to your hand and burning it.
2) Convection is the heat transfer in liquids and gases as particles circulate in currents. This transfer of energy causes warm substances to rise and cool ones to sink. In heat transfer by convection, the particles in a liquid or gas speed up as they are heated. This causes the particles to move apart and the substance becomes lighter. As the heated substance rises, the cooler, heavier substance moves down. These currents exchange heat through this movement.
You can observe convection in a simple experiment. Get two baby food jars. Fill one with hot water and a drop of red food color. Fill the other with cold water and a drop of blue food coloring. Place a card over the mouth of the cold water jar and turn it upside down on top of the warm water. Carefully pull out the card. You should see warm, red water rising and cold water sinking.
3) Radiation is the transfer of heat through space in the form of waves. The heat we receive from the sun is radiant heat. Radiant heat travels as waves through space. Heat waves hit Earth and cause warming. Our atmosphere traps the warmth. Your house gets warm when the sunʼs waves or rays travel through a window and are trapped in your house, warming it. Heat waves are invisible. All warm objects radiate or give off heat waves. Some other examples of radiation are the heat surrounding a fire, the heat given off by an electric heater, and the heat near a hot oven.
Heat and thermal energy are directly related to temperature. We can’t see individual atoms vibrating, but we can feel their kinetic energies as temperature. When there’s a difference between the temperature of the environment and a system within it, thermal energy is transferred between them as heat.
A hot cup of tea loses some of its thermal energy as heat flows from the tea to the room. Over time, the tea cools to the same temperature as the room. At the same time, the room gains the lost thermal energy from the tea, but because the room is much larger than the tea, the temperature of the room increases by so little, and a person in the room wouldn’t notice it.
Objects next to each other that are different temperatures will spontaneously transfer heat to try to come to the same temperature. However, how much energy it takes to change the temperature of an object is based on what it’s made of, a principle called heat capacity or thermal capacity. Water has a higher heat capacity than steel, for example. An empty steel pot on the stove takes almost no time to get to 212 degrees Fahrenheit (the boiling temperature of water). A pot half-full of water will take much longer to reach the same temperature, because water needs to absorb more energy — per weight, per degree — to get as hot as metal.
Sound waves are made through the transmitted vibration of stuff, instrument strings or gas molecules in the air. Sound waves can travel by the motion of atoms regardless of whether they are in liquid, solid, or gaseous states. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum because a vacuum has no atoms to transmit the vibration.
Solids, liquids, and gases transmit sounds as waves, but the atoms that pass along the sound don’t travel (unlike the photons in light). The sound wave travels between atoms, like people passing along a “wave” in a sports stadium. Sounds have different frequencies and wavelengths (related to pitch) and different magnitudes (related to how loud).
Even though radio waves can transmit information about sound, they are a completely different kind of energy, called electromagnetic.
Electromagnetic energy is the same as radiation or light energy. This type of kinetic energy can take the form of visible light waves, like the light from a candle or a light bulb, or invisible waves, like radio waves, microwaves, x-rays and gamma rays. Radiation — whether it’s coming from a candle or an x-ray tube — can travel in a vacuum. Sometimes physicists describe electromagnetic radiation as divided into tiny energy packets called photons. Each photon has a characteristic frequency, wavelength, and energy, but all photons travel at the same speed, the speed of light, or nearly 1 billion feet per second.
Electromagnetic energy can be converted to stored chemical energy by plants during photosynthesis, the process by which plants and algae use the sun’s electromagnetic radiation to turn carbon dioxide gas into sugar and carbohydrates.
Electric energy is to the kinetic energy of moving electrons, the negatively-charged particles in atoms.
Energy can shift between forms, but it is never destroyed or created.
A car transforms the potential energy trapped in gasoline into various types of energy that help the wheels turn and get the car to move. Most of the energy is actually lost to heat and other forms of energy used to keep the engine working.
Power plants transform one form of energy into another form, electricity. Coal and natural gas plants use the chemical potential energy trapped in fossil fuels. Nuclear power plants change the nuclear potential energy of uranium or plutonium into electricity too. Wind turbines change the kinetic energy of air molecules in wind into electricity. Hydroelectric power plants take advantage of the gravitational potential energy of water as it falls from the top of a dam to the bottom. These transformations are hardly perfect. An efficient fossil fuel power plant loses more than half of energy to other forms than electricity, such as heat, light, and sound.
If you were to REALLY hear the "voice of God", it would kill you?
My answer is YES!
Light example:
Sound example:
Chemical energy is stored in the bonds between the atoms in compounds. This stored energy is transformed when bonds are broken or formed: chemical reactions. Like letters of the alphabet that can be rearranged to form new words with very different meanings, atoms get moved around during chemical reactions, and they form new compounds with vastly different personalities.
Chemical reactions that produce net energy are exothermic. When wood is burned, the chemical reactions taking place are exothermic. Electromagnetic and thermal energy are released. Only some chemical reactions release energy. Endothermic reactions need energy to start, such as by adding heat or light.
Today’s nuclear power plants are fueled by fission. Uranium or plutonium atoms are broken apart, freeing lots of energy. Hydrogen atoms in the sun experience nuclear fusion, combining to form helium and subsequently releasing large amounts of kinetic energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation and heat.
Systems can increase gravitational energy as mass moves away from the center of Earth or other objects that are large enough to generate significant gravity (our sun, the planets and stars).
Elastic energy can be stored mechanically in a compressed gas or liquid, a coiled spring, or a stretched elastic band. On an atomic scale, the stored energy is a temporary strain placed on the bonds between atoms, meaning there’s no permanent change to the material. These bonds absorb energy as they are stressed, and release that energy as they relax.
A moving object has kinetic energy. A basketball passed between players shows translational energy. That kinetic energy is proportional to the ball’s mass and the square of its velocity. To throw the same ball twice as fast, a player uses four times the energy.
If you go camping, you usually build a fire to sit around at night. You may make Sʼmores, have hot chocolate and stay warm. Have you ever wondered why a marshmallow
cooks without touching the flame, why the smoke rises, or why water in a pan boils? Heat can move from one object to another in three different ways:
1) conduction,
2) convection and
3) radiation.
Pans have plastic or wood handles to keep the pan from conducting heat to your hand and burning it.
Sound waves are made through the transmitted vibration of stuff, instrument strings or gas molecules in the air. Sound waves can travel by the motion of atoms regardless of whether they are in liquid, solid, or gaseous states. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum because a vacuum has no atoms to transmit the vibration.
Solids, liquids, and gases transmit sounds as waves, but the atoms that pass along the sound don’t travel (unlike the photons in light). The sound wave travels between atoms, like people passing along a “wave” in a sports stadium. Sounds have different frequencies and wavelengths (related to pitch) and different magnitudes (related to how loud).
Even though radio waves can transmit information about sound, they are a completely different kind of energy, called electromagnetic.
Electromagnetic energy is the same as radiation or light energy. This type of kinetic energy can take the form of visible light waves, like the light from a candle or a light bulb, or invisible waves, like radio waves, microwaves, x-rays and gamma rays. Radiation — whether it’s coming from a candle or an x-ray tube — can travel in a vacuum. Sometimes physicists describe electromagnetic radiation as divided into tiny energy packets called photons. Each photon has a characteristic frequency, wavelength, and energy, but all photons travel at the same speed, the speed of light, or nearly 1 billion feet per second.
Electromagnetic energy can be converted to stored chemical energy by plants during photosynthesis, the process by which plants and algae use the sun’s electromagnetic radiation to turn carbon dioxide gas into sugar and carbohydrates.
Electric energy is to the kinetic energy of moving electrons, the negatively-charged particles in atoms.
A car transforms the potential energy trapped in gasoline into various types of energy that help the wheels turn and get the car to move. Most of the energy is actually lost to heat and other forms of energy used to keep the engine working.
Power plants transform one form of energy into another form, electricity. Coal and natural gas plants use the chemical potential energy trapped in fossil fuels. Nuclear power plants change the nuclear potential energy of uranium or plutonium into electricity too. Wind turbines change the kinetic energy of air molecules in wind into electricity. Hydroelectric power plants take advantage of the gravitational potential energy of water as it falls from the top of a dam to the bottom. These transformations are hardly perfect. An efficient fossil fuel power plant loses more than half of energy to other forms than electricity, such as heat, light, and sound.
If you were to REALLY hear the "voice of God", it would kill you?
In order to understand this, one must then find out how many decibels it would take.
Is 154 decibels enough to kill you? In all honesty, probably not. 150 decibels is usually considered enough to burst your eardrums, but the threshold for death is usually pegged at around 185-200 dB. A passenger car driving by at 25 feet is about 60 dB, being next to a jackhammer or lawn mower is around 100 dB, a nearby chainsaw is 120 dB. Generally, 150 dB (eardrum rupture) is only achieved if you stand really close to a jet aircraft during take-off or you’re near an explosive blast. High-intensity ultrasonic sound (generally anything above 20KHz) can cause physical damage. Some very low frequencies (infrasound) can apparently cause your eyeballs to vibrate, making it very hard to see.
Energy hitting a rock wall will lead to some being absorbed, some being reflected. As it absorbs energy, it gets hotter.
If they absorb the energy, does that mean, if you have a wave with enough energy to it, that as the energy is absorbed by the solid, that it could absorb too much too remain as a solid, and shake itself apart from the violent movement of its own atoms/molecules that would arise from holding that energy? Yes. That is just a phase change. The same thing happens when you put a piece of ice into a glass of warm water. Think also of laser cutting tools, or high-frequency ultrasound used to heat tissue.
Sound example:
The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for the early development of the universe. The key idea is that the universe is expanding. Consequently, the universe was denser and hotter in the past. Moreover, the Big Bang model suggests that at some moment all matter in the universe was contained in a single point, which is considered the beginning of the universe. Modern measurements place this moment at approximately 13.8 billion years ago, which is thus considered the age of the universe. After the initial expansion, the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles, including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Though simple atomic nuclei formed within the first three minutes after the Big Bang, thousands of years passed before the first electrically neutral atoms formed. The majority of atoms produced by the Big Bang were hydrogen, along with helium and traces of lithium. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity to form stars and galaxies, and the heavier elements were synthesized either within stars or during supernovae.
Sound is a form of energy that causes particles to vibrate back and forth. How would you answer the question about the tree falling in the forest? When the tree hits the ground it causes the particles in the air to vibrate. Vibration is a rapid movement back and forth. The tree creates vibrations in the air as it falls. The vibrations spread out in all directions. If the vibrations in the air reach you, your eardrum will vibrate and you will hear the sound of the tree falling. Have you ever placed your hands over your ears because someone was yelling? The loudness or intensity of a sound depends on the energy used. The more energy used, the louder the sound. You use a lot more energy to yell than you do to whisper. The same is true with all sounds: the more energy expended, the louder the sound. Do you sing or play a musical instrument? If you do, you understand pitch, how high or low a sound is. The pitch of an instrument changes by adjusting its length or width. A tromboneʼs sound changes from low to high as the slide is moved in. The pitch of musical instruments can also be changed by tightening the strings which increases the speed of vibration. The picture below shows glasses filled with water. The glass on the left will have the lowest pitch when tapped. It has the greatest length of air space to vibrate, thus creating a low sound.
One way the three forms of energy are alike is that they can be reflected. Think back to the last time you looked in a mirror. You saw a reflection, the bouncing back of light waves from a surface. If light wasnʼt reflected, you wouldnʼt have seen anything. Light strikes the mirror at an angle of incidence. It bounces off at the same angle, the angle of reflection.
Considering that electrical energy is everywhere, whether it be in a living organism, magnetic, chemical, or even gravitational, is the root of all things.
Energy can not be destroyed or created, but is transferred. As an example, your soul is the electrical impulses within your body. And whether one wants to believe in the big bang, or creation,
it's all the same. Every element has one or more isotopes that have unstable nuclei that are subject to radioactive decay, causing the nucleus to emit particles or
electromagnetic radiation. Radioactivity can occur when the radius of a nucleus is large compared with the radius of the strong force, which only acts over distances on the
order of 1 fm.
God = energy
the "Godhead" and reside in other dimensions that we do not comprehend, E.g. The dimension of Barbelo.
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