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Friday, September 29, 2017

Rev. Chris Pickens

I am a Minister. I am just that, a minister. I am not a pastor because I do not have my own church or congregation... yet.

 More specifically, a Minister of All Faiths. I study primarily Christianity, but I also study Islam, Judaism, Paganism, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc. I, myself, am a Gnostic Nazarite Christian, which roughly translated into common language, means "Seeker of truth in service to God, and follower in the teachings of Christ". I believe we are all children of the same God and that all religions are both correct in their books and in their teachings, but I also believe that humanity has placed its hand in religion so many times, that society has lost its original roots.

I was called of a higher power at a very young age to show how the religions are supposed to BE, and not how they are in fact TAUGHT. Hence why I also study law. Within the courtroom, and in the chapel, if you can prove to one side that what you believe is true, then it is. Now you have an issue as to what really IS true, and what has been ACCEPTED as true.

I study tirelessly within the texts of the different religions on a regular basis. Some would call me a child of the light. Others consider me spiritual. I have even been called a Prophet and an Anti-Christ. I have no church. I have no congregation. I believe that all of humanity is part of one life force that is controlled both directly and indirectly by events and beings that are out of our control, grasp, understanding, and comprehension. 

I really am licensed and registered BY the state of Ohio, and am in fact an ordained minister. Most churches do not accept my teachings, or how I conduct myself. To which is funny considering that would be judging someone, which goes against all religions. Even Satanism teaches to be tolerant of one another. In this world, there are only two real true religions: What you read and believe, and what you are told and believe. These are completely different from one another. Faiths have corrupted scriptures so much that no one really understands exactly what they believe in. People blindly follow their religious leaders, believing in what is said without ever reading and understanding what their religion and faith really teach, like sheep to the slaughter. 

Take for instance, I claim and tell you that my right hand is made of green cheese except when people examine it. Upon examination, that God ceases to exist every Wednesday afternoon. What if I told you that cars feel thirsty when their tanks run low on gas, or that cats think in German. We can make up hundreds of such interesting and irrefutable beliefs. There is no clear limit to imagination in this domain. The credulity arguments would explain not just actual religious beliefs but also a whole variety of beliefs that no one ever had.  

  In most cases, “faith” is what leads people to accept that the doctrine they were specifically taught from a young age. is truth. Meaning that only one conclusion is possible. It’s why, if somebody is raised, say, for example, a Southern Baptist, they will have faith that the God worshiped by Southern Baptists exists, and that he is as Southern Baptists have described, and that he wants us to do (and not do) all the things mentioned in Southern Baptist interpretations of the Bible. 
  And it’s why Muslims, and Mormons, and Jehovah’s witnesses, and Hindus, and members of many other religions, will all manage to “know” that their particular religions are true, despite the fact that their “faith” is indistinguishable from that held by members of completely different religions.

Faith is basically a condition of believing something so hard, that you convince yourself it must be true and that you therefore somehow have knowledge of its truth instead of mere belief. Sometimes, this is simply a matter of wishful thinking — wanting it to be true so badly that you convince yourself that it is true. Other times, however, it is due to experiencing some strong emotional state that you think must be some sort of “spiritual witness” from God rewarding you for your belief and confirming the truth of that belief.

“Faith,” in other words, has nothing to do with discovering the truth and everything to do with confirming that what you already believe (or what you have been taught) is the truth. As a result, the only possible conclusion, is the one you already believe to be true

 I would have to say that Erich Von Daniken said it best: 
"In view of the inevitable confrontation with the future, would it not be more intelligent to use new imaginative ideas when conjuring up our past? Without being unbelieving, we can no longer afford to be credulous. Every religion has an outline, a schema, of its god; it is constrained to think and believe within the frame-work of this outline. Meanwhile, with the space age, the intellectual Day of Judgment comes ever nearer. The Theological clouds will evaporate, scattered like shreds of mist. With the decisive step into the universe, we shall have to recognize that there are not over 2 million gods, not 20,000 sects, not just 10 great religions, but only one."